In the Media

Denmark vs NYC: Kay’s interview with the Danish Consulate in New York’s blog

Denmark vs NYC – what’s the difference in working in Copenhagen vs. Manhattan?

#DenmarkinNY – the Danish Consulate in New York’s blog – recently took time out to chat with Kay Xander Mellish, a longtime New Yorker who now lives and works in Copenhagen.

“When I moved to Denmark, I’d been living in New York City for more than a decade — in the West Village in downtown Manhattan — and working in the finance and media fields, both of which are generally very competitive and exhausting. I was ready for a change. Copenhagen, to me, feels sophisticated without being too intense. There aren’t as many sharp elbows or demands on your time, which is particularly nice when you’re trying to raise a family.

People were very surprised I was moving to Denmark. My therapist at the time said, “You’re running away from your problems!” My boyfriend at the time said, “You’ll be back within a year!” That hasn’t happened, at least not yet.

You can read the entire post on the #DenmarkinNY blog.


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